Award Winning Hypnotherapist – a journey

Written by Caron Iley

So, I won an award!! I never intended to win an award but somehow here I am with a trophy inscribed with my name.

Mental Health Coach / Mentor, WINNER at the Bolton Health and Wellbeing Awards 2019... WOW... and yes, I am still reeling from the nomination let alone the win!

When I started practising Hypnotherapy it was because I completely believed in the wonderful changes that Solution Focused Hypnotherapy could make to people’s lives.

Now, two years later, here I am with a trophy and a milestone I never even dreamed of.

Those who know me will know that I am not boasting when I write about this – I believe passionately in what I do and have always been happy to share my passion and knowledge with anyone who listens (whether they wanted to hear it or not!!).

The last two years haven’t come easily. There have been many moments of anxiety, self-doubt in my own ability, and lack of sleep, not to mention how incredibly hard I have had to work! Hours and hours of studying neuroscience, research, and history. I was completely out of my comfort zone during training, but, thankfully, had superb tutors and three fab friends who I car-pooled with. There were many hours spent in the car commuting to Leeds and back rehearsing techniques, consultations, and practising our ‘soothing’ voices. We had lots of laughter and some tears.

I came to Hypnotherapy through my own anxiety. When I stumbled upon it, it made complete sense, and the more I delved and researched the more excited I got. I remember telling my husband that I wanted to train to be a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist. I was at that time an ex Casino Manager working as a full-time HR assistant. His initial reaction was a look that had no words, but said everything. It didn’t take much to talk him round – I am well known for my enthusiasm when I truly believe in something. I am also aware that I can be very annoying when I am enthusiastic – so maybe he just wanted to shut me up, who knows. My daughter was initially embarrassed as teens usually are of their parents, especially when we draw attention to ourselves. Now she happily tells everyone and is a great promoter of my business (Havisham Hypnotherapy) on social media. Maybe I’m finally a cool mum? Thankfully, none of us have any regrets.

So why Solution Focused Hypnotherapy? Well it does what it says on the tin, and again anyone that knows me knows that I like things to do what they say (who doesn’t?).

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helps a person refocus on the positives in their lives instead of dwelling on the negatives. We all have moments of being negative, but can usually turn that around and move on. For some, when they are battling with mental health issues, there is no easy way to just switch off negative thoughts or negative forecasting of events that may or may not happen. They slowly get drawn into a vicious cycle of negativity, anxiety, and thinking the worst in all aspects of their lives, which can eventually manifest into other unhelpful issues such as: insomnia, low self-esteem and confidence, depression, OCD, phobias, and for some, slowly make their worlds smaller and smaller – constantly living in fear of all the things they imagine could hurt them or their loved ones.

In sessions with a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, you will be encouraged to focus on what’s good in your life, small things. This may be difficult at first, but it becomes easier and easier and eventually you notice more and more positive aspects of your life, feeling excited and looking forward to sharing them at your next appointment. The session continues and focuses on your best hopes and helps you realise the small steps you can take to get there – slowly building a strong foundation of positivity and perspective that will stay with you. Once you are feeling pleased with your work, you hop on the couch. Here is where you are rewarded with a deep relaxing hypnosis session, or trance as it is commonly known. Slowly drifting in and out of a conscious state of mind, following beautiful guided imagery, while allowing your Hypnotherapist to fill your subconscious mind with lots of lovely positive language encouraging self-ability and confidence in all that you do.

I love what I do and it’s not just my hard work that got me here. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for my clients, past and present, that trusted me to get them to be their best selves looking forward to a future with hope again. When a client comes to me, we build a rapport – I couldn’t be successful without this bond. I know instantly in the Initial Consultation whether we will have a great partnership, working together as a team to get the results the client deserves and will work hard for. My clients are superstars! They trust me and work with me and together we smash negativity to pieces! I give my clients 100 percent, and they know this. They feel this in their Consultation. I love when a client leaves the Consultation and messages later to say how much better they are feeling already and that they can’t wait to get started.

I do not claim to be the ‘expert’ Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, but with each client I learn more and more. I am completely honoured that my work has been recognised in my community and even more so that Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is starting to get the recognition it deserves. I have my clients, past and present, to thank for this. Without their trust and support, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

It’s an adventure I never imagined and has opened a whole new world of friendships, business relationships, and social media buddies.

So, as I take off the false eyelashes and make-up, and hang up my posh frock for another special time, I sit and look back in amazement at how my life has changed and how at the age of ‘ahem’ I have finally found what I want to do when I grow up and become the best that I can be.

If you would like more information as to how Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you to feel positive and hopeful about your future, please contact us.

Caron Iley
Havisham Hypnotherapy
Lostock, Bolton
Greater Manchester BL64EN
07580 041394

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