Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 

If you have OCD, you may feel like you're constantly at war with your own mind. You may be plagued by intrusive thoughts or images that cause a great deal of anxiety and feel the need to carry out compulsions in order to relieve that anxiety.

This can be extremely disruptive to your life and can affect your ability to function normally.

OCD can make it difficult to hold down a job or go to school, as you may be too anxious to leave the house or be in close contact with other people. You may also find it hard to form relationships, as you may be worried about being judged.

Read on to discover more...

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What is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition that causes people to have intrusive thoughts and images, which often cause a great deal of anxiety. People with OCD may also feel the need to carry out certain behaviours (known as compulsions) in order to relieve that anxiety. Unfortunately, many people mistake compulsions for habits, and do not realise that they may be suffering from OCD.

Obsessions are often mistaken for habits because they can both involve repetitive behaviours. However, there is a key difference between the two: obsessions are driven by anxiety, while habits are not. If your repetitive behaviours are causing you distress or interfering with your daily life, it's likely that you're dealing with an obsession, not a habit.

Compulsions are behaviours that people with obsessions carry out in an attempt to relieve their anxiety. These behaviours can be mental (e.g., counting or repeating certain words) or physical (e.g., washing your hands or checking that doors are locked). While compulsions may temporarily reduce anxiety, they typically end up causing more distress in the long run.


How can Solution Focused Hypnotherapy help with OCD?

Hypnotherapy is often used to help people with OCD. It can be very effective in helping to reduce the anxiety that is associated with obsessions and compulsions. Reducing stress and anxiety is one of the most important things a person can do to ease the symptoms of OCD.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you create changes in your thinking patterns too that help you regain control back over OCD whilst reducing the symptoms of anxiety as a result. It allows you to shift your outlook on life in general which also helps you feel more relaxed and more confident in the control you have over your behaviours and actions.


How can I find a Hypnotherapist to help with OCD near me?

To find an appropriately qualified and insured hypnotherapist to help with OCD, please visit our online directory.

Our directory can help you find a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist in your local area for face to face or sessions online.

The AFSFH is the only professional association dedicated to the discipline of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and we're proud to provide the only dedicated directory of Solution Focused Hypnotherapists.

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