Anxiety: The Emotional Rollercoaster You Didn’t Queue Up For

Who hasn’t felt the classically anxious sensation of feeling restless or on edge?

And no, I’m not talking about the suspense before the season finale of your favourite show (*add in your date-specific Netflix/Disney/Apple binge-watched show here*).

No, we’re talking about that nagging, all-encompassing feeling that sometimes makes you question, well, everything really.

TheAnxiety that makes you feel sick.

The Anxiety that stops you from sleeping a solid 8 hours.

The Anxiety that gives you fear before you board that plane.

The Anxiety that gives you a raised heart rate and palpitations, and makes you sweat excessively, stops you socialising, makes you worry endlessly about your health, other’s health, and the state of the world. It makes you bite your nails, and run to the loo, and scrambles your mind, and and and etc… 

I call it an ‘anti-hero’, because anxiety is within all of us, and rightly so, for one good purpose – the purpose of saving your life.

I mean if you didn’t have the capability for anxiety you probably wouldn’t survive crossing the road.

Anxiety is your in-built, all-seeing, survival eye; your warning system, telling you to ‘beware’, and in some cases, to run like hell.


So, What’s the Deal with Anxiety Anyway?

The word “anxiety” gets thrown around a lot, doesn’t it?

It’s this seemingly ever-present emotion we experience that ranges from the slight fret we get before a meeting, to full-blown panic when, say, we can’t find our phone, or we feel overwhelmed in a crowded place.

Yes, it’s that never-ending feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. 

But what’s really happening here?

Well, let’s take a trip back to high school biology for a sec.

You know the good ole “fight or flight” response we should have really learnt more about when the science teacher was, well, teaching (apparently)?

When we are in an actual state of threat, or more importantly, we perceive a threat to be approaching, our brain immediately hits the panic button and our bodies dive straight into survival mode.

All good – providing there was a real danger that could threaten life.

You’re saved.

But sometimes, based on many things such as previous experiences, or learned beliefs, our mind can respond to things we think are an issue but probably aren’t, and at this point our bodies just love to take a dip in the anxiety pool, lounging there even when there’s no apparent danger.

Lots of these thoughts and beliefs may equal lots of these bodily responses, and rather than having occasional moments of stress response (which we are built for), we experience a run of ups and downs (which we are not built for).


The result?

A medley of symptoms that make you feel like you’re starring in your own personal horror film that just runs and runs and runs.

Not so good.


What’s it Like to Ride this Emotional Rollercoaster?

If you’ve ever been on a rollercoaster where you thought, “Why on Earth did I get on this”, or been lucky enough to be strapped into the damn front row of the Nemesis Inferno because you’re the only one stupid enough to go with your 14-year-old daughter who LOVES these things (ahem), well, that’s anxiety for you.

Let’s dive into what it feels like to be on this ride:

Feeling restless or on edge: Imagine waiting for an incredibly important email, but instead of a few minutes, it lasts for hours* – or even days* (*substitute for weeks/months/years)

Having a racing heart: It’s like your heart’s running a marathon, and you’re just the spectator.

Sweating: No, you’re not in a sauna, nor did you suddenly start a last-second HiiT session. It’s just the beads of sweat trickling down, uninvited.

Brain Fog: Picture your brain as a web browser with 37 open tabs. All playing different YouTube videos. Volume up. Simultaneously.

Feeling tired or fatigued: It’s as if you’ve run the longest race of your life, except you haven’t moved an inch.

And no sign of the finish line in sight.

So. Really REALLY. Not. Good.

And all of this paired with additional guest stars like irritability, muscle tension, and a whole list of wtf symptoms that you really didn’t hit the subscribe button for.

And here’s your first question of the day…

“Ever notice how these symptoms make you feel like you’re both overly energised and utterly drained at the same time?”

Like you’ve just chained a dozen espressos at the finish line of a 2000m steeplechase at the Olympics where you took gold.

A paradox, isn’t it?

Here’s question number two…

“Do you ever wonder how something so widespread throughout a population can also feel so incredibly isolating?

Anxiety is an odd sort of unifying thread.

We all experience anxiousness, and yet, when it hits, you can feel utterly alone.


To Seek or Not to Seek (Professional Help), That is the Question

There comes a point when some folks find it necessary to bring in the experts. But when?

Well, that’s a tough one, because if you could make those decisions you’d probably be thinking logically and rationally and therefore probably wouldn’t be feeling anxious enough to need therapy, and round and round the procrastination tree we go.

But here’s a freebie – setting out on the road to change often brings about change.

If you want to begin taking chunks out of your anxiety, it’s been shown that you don’t have to get to a final result to feel the gains – even just making those first steps really can have a HUGE impact on your well-being.

I’ve seen it many times – clients arriving at their first session noticing that they feel better already.

That brings us to the third and final question…

“Do you ever feel like the mere acknowledgment of not being alone in something, can offer some comfort?

I hope so.

Anxiety (as previously mentioned) is the most searched concern on Google in therapy.

You really are not alone.


What’s Next?

There’s a whole community of people navigating the ups and downs of feeling restless or on edge, having a racing heart, sweating, having trouble concentrating, and feeling tired or fatigued.

I’ve started to compile a list of ‘real time’ do’s, those things that’ll help you right now.

And a couple of other lists, one for more long-term management, and one for the tips that others have found helpful.

And below are a few self help ideas…


Sense Awareness

At its core, Anxiety is about concerns of the future, so anything to ground yourself in the present can reduce anxiety symptoms. Here’s a little-known exercise that you can do anywhere that can bring about change: 

  1. Look around you and name three things you see: put a label to them, and do them with pace.
  2. Name three sounds you hear: something really close – something at mid-range – then the furthest thing you can hear.
  3. Move three parts of your body: your ankle, fingers, or arm. Pick any three and really be aware of them when you do.

Repeat for as long as you can.

It’ll probably feel stupid at first, then tiresome, and then you may wonder if it’s even working.

Name 4 things, 5, 10, or more…

Try not to beat yourself up in the exercise – pick some of the same things each time if you want, but try to keep your eyes on the prize and focus on the sights, sounds, and feelings –  and repeat, repeat, repeat.

You should hopefully begin to feel improvement 15 minutes or so after you’ve completed the exercise.

Whenever you feel your brain going 100 miles per hour, this mental exercise can bring you back to the here and now, and help centre your focus, bringing you back to the present moment.

Remember, if you’re ever struggling, professional resources such as therapists or, organisations – like The Samaritans (UK phone no: 116 123) – are available.

And for those who aren’t quite there yet with reaching out for therapy, but still want to know more, blogs like this one are here for you too.


Until next time…

So, until next time, breathe deeply and let’s try to ride this rollercoaster the best we can.

And if you want to know how I survived the inverted 50mph beast of a rollercoaster ride with my daughter, well, I laughed.

Fake laughter at first.

Actually, scared laughter.

But the more I did it, the funnier I found that I found it funny.

I realised that using other emotions to drain anxiety’s grip turns out to be a thing after all 🙂


Nick Bullock


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